Universal Shamanic Soul Retrievals
Allow over 3 hours for a lifelong upliftment. In Person, Skype, Zoom or Phone
Includes seated interview with lifelong trauma disclosure and negative mirroring by self.
Followed by 90 mins table work where client relaxes and often receives insights for validation, followed by 1 hour debrief where Tony reads back to you the handwritten discovery of your prior worst mirrored past life’s soul contract. Aboriginal Ngangkari (shaman) call this Dad Irra, where a metaphysical day dream resides through out ones daily experience as taught 20 years ago by my Native American Indian Guide, we together journey beneath the ground into non-ordinary reality to overturn your past life’s perpetual myth still dogging you because of the soul contract everyone leaves at the conclusion of each and every life. I will hear your Higher Self’s new instructions for a new positive freeing contract once the former contract is released which serves you beyond this incarnation.
Do you feel very lost,? Fragmented with loss of voice and confidence? Is self sabotaging and despair your new M.O? Running out of fuel? Can’t stop the patterning? We all follow unconsciously any ‘unfinished business’ recorded etherically as soul contracts ie akashic records into 100’s of future lives until the issues are overcome. Want Peace? Tired of the overwhelming destructive cycle of not feeling good enough? Then it might be your time to finally to regain your power, your sovereignty, a sense of self?
Tony will journey (a deep form of meditation) on your behalf and write up his experiences for you ie to: The cave of the original wound, the cave of contracts ie your dying then thoughts, then the cave of treasures before returning lastly your lost ‘Grace’ soul fragment, still outstanding with the myth attached from the cave of grace.
Using the Shaman’s breath I will safely return through your heart this lost part of your soul. A deep sense of self worth, inner peace, wholeness and completion begins to take place within your consciousness, no longer confused, anxious nor broken. Sometimes there is a further integration over 24hours for the full effect to be felt. Wholeness is wellness! Your self sabotaging is released.
No longer, by following unconsciously your 21st century, new soul contracts does it feel life is a problem to be solved, rather now likely at a crossroads in your life, life becomes an adventure to be experienced? Be wound free!
Note: Universal Shamanism is a modern healing tool, using the basis of Traditional Cultural Shamanism, without drug taking, for the new world. Do you want to feel free?
Before there was for eg Medicare, this is the 1st nation method for grief, loss of voice, anxiety, and depression. It restores Hope, leaving you Calm and Balanced.
Examples of trauma leading to soul loss include:
Grief, of both loved ones and pets, Divorce, Severe illness, Accidents, Rejection, Abandonment, Depression and Abuse.
Symptoms include:
Feeling stuck or lost, feeling fragmented, sickness, depression, anger, self-harm, misfortune, and or addictions used to mask the pain, sore neck/back, fibrillating heart, tired for no reason. Feeling like a piece of you is missing.
Effects after soul returns:
Mental clarity, a sense of joy, feeling lighter, facilitating being able to effectively change their life, a sense of hope, as their personal life force energy finally returns and connection to your Higher Self.
The Shamanic Session involves little participation by the recipient, who usually, though not necessarily, lays asleep on a comfortable massage table, or if doing a Skype session, sits in a chair, while the journeyer i.e. Tony, sits nearby. Tony, uses Universal contemporary Shamanic techniques, ‘travels’ into a parallel dimension with his guides, engaging with the clients lost soul aspects, facilitating their return to the client.
The result is in people feeling revitalized, renewed and empowered. Feel you have your voice back. Lose the over-thinking. See life and the world clearer. Can be life-changing in a positive way.
Tony's Universal Shamanic Background, training and teachers:
Tony's earliest interest (this lifetime) in Shamanic philosophy began with his platform work in Spiritualist Church's in Auckland in his early 20's (late 70's) as he opened up to the inner planes clairvoyantly, with his association with 'Joseph' a kindly Maori Tohunga from Mount Egmont in New Plymouth. Tony travelled extensively throughout to 48 countries developing his Psychic and Shamanic abilities, including 6 months in Africa, where he was trained in effective curse removal, to Western Russia, where the word Shaman comes from, and 0verhead readings in London for 2 years. Tony was then drawn to 'Uluru' in Northern Territory, where he met his twin flame and worked for 'Anangu Tours' for 8 years and associated with Ngangkari men who he worked for. Tony and Julie ran Shamanic guided journey's once a week where Tony was taken into the Uluru temple (etherically) many times, to see the antiquity held within.
Great Spirit then guided Tony and Julie to live in Western Australia at Koorabup (Denmark) , where the forest meets the sea, near Valley of the Giants. Here Tony continues to work on the inner plains with these same Ngangkari and Lawmen, with teachings and told to share this knowledge as the planet was evolving through an ascension and self mastery was vital for all.
Tony has thousands of healed and satisfied clients through both Shamanic healings and Clairvoyant Readings, linking others to the world of spirit.
Tony's workshops are practical, hands on, heart felt and enables everyone to successfully engage in direct personal experiences with the spirit world.
Regardless of your walk of life for the past 15 years Tony and his principle guide have brought this unique in-depth form of healing to a wide array of clients including: Nurses, Lawyers, School-Teachers, Musicians, Artisians, Psychologists, Reiki Masters, Policemen, Accountants, Soldiers, Tradespeople, fellow Spiritual Warriors, Parents, Children and our Jack Russell, following a vicious dog attack. On average Tony would consult around 1000 people per year... including clients Tony would consult with on Skype and Phone healings.
“Are you ready to move forward?”
“To heal your wounds of possibly this and previous lives?”
“Are you ready to become your SELF?”
Universal Shamanic Soul Retrievals
Allow 3 - 4 hours
Shamanic Soul Retrieval now available over the Phone/Skype/In Person, worldwide
Contact us for more information and bookings. email: julie@norgrove.com.au
Phone: 08 9848 3360